📷: Maghan Eversmith

📷: Maghan Eversmith

Hey guys!

Thanks for stopping by my little nook of this site!

Whether you've been following what I've been doing from the very beginning (anyone remember S-ta, Esther Melody Squad, EMB??) or you're completely new to our music and me. WELCOME!

Music has been my whole life and boy, it has been quite a journey!  Very thankful to have been able to do the things I've done and meet the people I've met.  I truly believe the best is yet to come!  
I am so excited to share our music with you, I am stoked to be on this ride with my brother, Caleb (who is hands down one of the coolest human beings on the planet), I am beyond pleased that we finally have a band that has a band name that is not my name, and I am thankful for the vision God has given us (which you can check out here).

You can communicate with me in whatever way you fancy:


I love to make new friends, to hear stories, testimonies, thoughts, opinions, whatever.  So hit me up - let me know what you're reading, what you're listening to, what you're watching, what you're up to!

- Esther xx


© Eversmith 2020.  All rights reserved.